Everything in one place

The one-stop platform to support users and pharmacies
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    Your benefits
    By simplifying access to healthcare, you get more and better information about your users.

    Better Profiling

    Know exactly the health status of your users and what are the specific recommendations for each of them.

    Better user follow-up

    Make screenings at your pharmacy, get personalized reports and follow up with users in their homes.

    More Loyalty

    With better services, your users will visit your pharmacy more frequently.

    More Profitability

    With better health recommendations, your users feel more supported and the average purchase price increases.

    About us

    Evollu was founded in 2015 as a result of the two-founder partner’s personal experiences in the audiology area. With the mission to create, provide health support and solutions to all who experience difficulties in responding and finding solutions in hearing care, vision, and other, from the neonatal and infant to senior age.

    The goal is to provide a frictionless healthcare experience.

    Discover Hearing Health Care's
    New Reality